Knowing the Seven Chakras

Seven Chakras

Seven energy centers, also called wheels or chakras, are believed to run along the spine and into the head of every human. The chakras have historically been used as reference points for physical, spiritual, and energetic healing.

Below is a crash course on what each chakra stands for, where they are located on the body, and how our well-being can be positively affected if they are balanced:

  • Root Chakra – AKA Muladhara

The root chakra, or the root support in Sanskrit, is located in the pelvis or tailbone region. Being of the earth element, its color is red and is associated with the skeletal system, reproductive glands, urinary system, kidneys, feet, legs, lower back, and hips. Essential oils that can help this area are sandalwood, ginger, and rosewood. Yoga poses known to help balance this chakra are the balancing poses, mountain pose, pigeon pose, savasana, warrior pose, and the yogi squat. If the root chakra is balanced, it manifests as a sense of peace, security, safety in the basic needs area, and financial and emotional stability. The overactive root chakra will cause a person to feel as if their basic needs are unmet. They may feel extreme hunger or physical discomfort that sends them into survival mode. A person can also feel fearful and anxious with eating disorders, digestive issues, lower back pain, hip pain, and ovarian or prostate issues. However, if the root chakra is underactive, someone may often daydream, lack concentration, and feel disconnected from their activities. To balance this chakra, make sure your basic needs are met through nutritious food and drink, plenty of sleep, and some time to relax. Taking care of the body is fundamental.

  • Sacral Chakra – AKA Svadhisthana

The sacral chakra, the place of self in Sanskrit, is located in the sacrum, low back, and belly button region. Being of the water element, its color is orange, and it is associated with the adrenal glands, low belly, lower spine, and large intestine. Essential oils that can help this chakra are rose, sage, and jasmine. Yoga poses known to help include the child’s pose, standing, and seated folds. If the sacral chakra is balanced, you will experience earthly pleasures with joy, not shame. This means sex, fun, good food, and more will be pleasurable because you are living in the moment. The overactive sacral chakra can cause someone to exhibit additive or even gluttonous behaviors. They may fear pain or negativity due to trauma. This person will likely splurge on life’s pleasures to the point of self-harm. They may experience physical dependency, obesity, overreactions, restlessness, and codependency. However, an underactive sacral chakra may cause a person to make fear-based decisions that end up depriving someone of joy. They may live in an “all work and no play” state of mind which can lead to depression, decreased sex drive, lessened creativity, and even impotence. To balance this chakra, try personifying complete independence for a whole day. This can be uncomfortable, but you will find true freedom in the exercise. If the sacral chakra is underactive, enjoy a full day of pleasure to balance things out.

  • Solar Plexus – AKA Manipura

The solar plexus, or the lustrous gem in Sanskrit, is located in the breastbone and bottom of the ribs. Being of the fire element, its color is yellow and is associated with the stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, and small intestine. Essential oils that can help heal this chakra include rose, myrrh, frankincense, and sandalwood. Yoga poses that can be helpful include the plank pose, the boat pose, and the warrior pose. Someone with a balanced solar plexus chakra is confident in their wisdom, personal power, and decisiveness. This person will be discerning about what does or does not serve them because they are strong in their truth. Those with an overactive solar plexus may be short-tempered, controlling, greedy, show a lack of empathy and compassion, and micromanage others. However, those with an underactive solar plexus may experience an underactive Manipura when feeling ignored or wrong. This can manifest as being insecure, indecisive, timid, needy, or passive-aggressive. To balance this chakra, face fear. Remind yourself often that your intuition is right, and strengthen your core.

  • Heart Chakra – AKA Anahata

The heart chakra, or the unstruck in Sanskrit, is located in the chest, heart, and thoracic spine. Being of the air element, its color is green and associated with the heart, lungs, thymus gland, upper back, shoulders, and circulatory system. Essential oils that may be helpful in this area include angelica, rosemary, and lavender. Yoga poses that are helpful include the camel, bridge, fish, and wheel. Someone with a balanced heart chakra will feel love for themselves and others. Those with an overactive heart chakra may ignore personal boundaries and give too much of themselves to the point of ignoring personal care. They will put others before themselves to extreme levels. Physically, they may have heartburn or heart palpitations. However, those with an underactive heart chakra often have one due to heartbreak. They may find it difficult to trust others and feel physically out of touch with their bodies or have circulatory problems. To balance this chakra, spend time with those that you love and practice loving yourself. Meditate on self-love and do a good deed.

  • Throat Chakra – AKA Vishuddha

The heart chakra, the very pure in Sanskrit, is located in the neck, throat, shoulders, jaw, and tongue. Being of the space element, it is blue in color and associated with the ears, mouth, lips, tongue, teeth, and thyroid gland. Essential oils that can be of help are neroli and jasmine. Yoga poses that may help the area include the fish pose, plow pose, and shoulder stand. A balanced throat chakra in a person will allow them to speak clearly from a place of truth and love with easily found words. Writing and learning languages will come easily and will be helpful to those on the path to enlightenment. Those with an overactive throat chakra will be loud and interruptive while struggling to listen. They may fib, embellish, and exaggerate, but the imbalance comes from feeling unheard. Physically, this may manifest as infections, mouth ulcers, throat pain, and dental issues. However, those with an underactive throat chakra may be shy, unable to express feelings, quiet, and hold an overall feeling of being flawed in some way. To balance this chakra, ask yourself if you are using kind, true, and necessary words.

  • Third Eye Chakra – AKA Anja

The third eye chakra, the beyond wisdom in Sanskrit, is located between the eyebrows, the pineal gland, and the center of the forehead. Associated with the wisdom element with the color indigo, it is connected to the forehead, brain, pituitary, and pineal gland. Essential oils that may help include cypress, angelica root, and vetiver. Yoga poses that increase balance are the child’s pose and meditation. Someone with a balanced third eye is in tune with both the physical and spiritual worlds. Those with an overactive third eye may have a hard time relating to others and can be distracted by the paranormal or spiritual realm making day-to-day concentration difficult. However, those with an underactive third eye may feel disconnected from their higher power and physically suffer from headaches, fatigue, and sinus allergies. To balance this chakra, try meditation regularly.

  • Crown Chakra – AKA Sahasrara

The crown chakra, the thousand-petaled in Sanskrit, is located at the crown of the head and upward to the heavens. The crown chakra is associated with the consciousness and spirituality element; its color is violet. Helpful essential oils include lavender, gurjun, galbanum, sandalwood, and rosewood. Helpful yoga poses include savasana, tree pose, and headstands. Balance in this chakra is the ultimate spiritual goal, something like Nirvana. When the balance is reached in the crown chakra, you have conquered death and suffering and are no longer considered human. Humans should focus on balance in the other six chakras, but the crown should always be acknowledged as the others are brought into balance.