Divination Tools: How to Use

Divination Tools

Divination is a word derived from a root word meaning “inspired by a god” and a practice for many that dates back centuries. Today, it is just as popular as it was those many years ago. Divination is about using tools to harness intuition. Intuition is the ability to see beyond the five common senses as a form of insight. This can be used to understand hidden knowledge or predict the future. Some have used divination to find items that were lost or figure out what was going on even though you had no other way to do so. Others use divination to seek advice or confirmation of the truth. There are many possibilities as far as tools that readers can use for divination and each gains the same results, the truth. The tool chosen should be what works best for the reader. Some of these tools are explained below.


We all have natural intuition and divinization requires tapping into this. Intuition is instinctive knowing even though you have no proof. You cannot explain how you know, but you do without a doubt. Some use intuition for divination without actual tools, but other prefer tools they can hold. Some use tools to help them focus and others as visuals for the clients as a way to share what intuition is showing the reader. The options truly are limitless with some tools being a shock for some.

  • Cards – One of the most common divination tools today is cards. These cards fall into two categories including Tarot and Oracle cards. Tarot cards originated from playing cards used in the 18th century for divination. The decks consist of 78 cards divided into major and minor Arcana. They have traditional meanings and are often used in set spreads to receive measured answers. People that use Tarot tend to study the meanings of each card and stay within the system for use. Oracle cards are more informal and the number of cards will vary by maker. No two decks will be identical and while spreads can still be used, some decks are often designed with a specific spread in mind.
  • Scrying – Scrying is done with mirrors, a reflective surface, a crystal ball, or even bowls of water under a full moon. Readers view the shapes and images that appear on the surface to divine messages.
  • Automatic Writing – Sometimes called psychography, automatic writers write without consciously thinking about what to write. The words come on their own as the writer relaxes and clears the mind. This dates back to the Song Dynasty and was used by occultist John Dee to divine what the angels were saying to him. Some readers only use automatic writing for practice in either a trance-like state or totally aware and conscious.
  • Ogham and Runes – These are two systems that share a similar concept, but are different from one another. Both include individual pieces with a symbol and set meaning inscribed on them. Readers pull one piece at a time for answers. The Ogham, called the Celtic Tree Oracle, has inscriptions called staves which are letters from an old Celtic alphabet. There are 400 surviving letters and the Ogham set uses 25 to 26 of these. Each stave corresponds to a tree with a set meaning. Runes are similar with Norse letters and symbols that correspond to trees, animals, weather, and concepts. Readers pull Runes and form a reading based on the question. Some believe Runes to be the voice of a god named Odin and say you cannot read Runes without a relationship to him.
  • Nature – Taking a walk in nature can yield answers without tools. Open your intuition, ask a question, and go outside to look. For example, if you have two job offers, one to the east and one to the west, go outside and look both directions. If storm clouds are to the west and a sunny sky to the west, choose the east job. Nature can provide the answers.
  • Food – Food on a plate can provide answers as well. Just like reading tea leaves or coffee grounds, divination from food you or others have eaten is a good tool. With little left on the plate, look at what was left as far as shapes. The images may take the form of despair or something symbolic like a full water glass signifying a good nest egg. Getting an extra cookie in a bag can symbolize you have been gifted and should share the abundance.
  • Spills – The shape things take when accidently dropped can also offer a message. Pay attention when you or someone drops something and you have been focused on a question. Emulate this by thinking of a question and then tossing a deck of cards in the air or a handful of paper pieces.
  • Create Your Own – Intuitives are often creative by nature. Make your own tools with whatever you choose.

Each intuitive who practices divination is unique and will find the tools that best suit them by trying many. Try all the divination tools you can and if it does not work, pass it to someone else. The truth will come from the one that works best for you.


  1. This piece effectively highlights the diversity in divination practices, emphasizing that personal resonance with a tool is crucial for effective use. A more in-depth examination of user experiences would enhance this discussion.

  2. The article presents a comprehensive overview of various divination tools and their historical significance. It raises intriguing questions about the intersection of intuition and the use of physical tools in divination.